Voters Support Phasing Out Fossil Fuel Extraction
Preventing catastrophic climate change impacts requires ending the extraction of fossil fuels, but the United States is on track to do the opposite. The US is …

Preventing catastrophic climate change impacts requires ending the extraction of fossil fuels, but the United States is on track to do the opposite. The US is …
What is gas industry propaganda? Gas is a huge industry. It encompasses companies that extract gas (e.g. through drilling or hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking), …
The climate crisis is hitting communities across the United States with increasing force—wildfire seasons become more extreme each year, hurricanes hit the Gulf Coast with more …
A disorderly, market-based process to reduce greenhouse gases by removing appliances that burn natural gas from every home and building in the United States has begun. …
At this moment, the United States is advancing sweeping federal actions that could fund critical climate solutions or sink us further towards climate disaster. However, the …
Until the rise of the Green New Deal, economists’ favored response to the climate crisis was some form of carbon pricing—leveraging the market to produce positive …
Publicly and cooperatively owned electric utilities (community utilities) have the potential to demonstrate what an equitable, clean energy system looks like in the United States. They …