Global Systems & Policy
As the largest emitter in world history, the US must take on more of the transitions’ burdens than those they historically exploited. We focus our global systems and policy work on three categories: international financial architecture, peace, and global green industrial policy. Our research is informed by global infrastructure such as sovereign debt, tax, trade, and monetary policy.
Featured Research
Reparative Fiscal Justice for Caribbean Climate Action
The intertwined challenges of climate and fiscal crises are devastating the ecologies and economies of countries around the world. This is felt most acutely in the …

Global Systems & Policy
Redirecting Energy Transition Minerals from the Pentagon Fleet to the Public Good
The Pentagon is the world’s largest institutional consumer of fossil fuels, but it is also the US federal government’s leader in electrifying some of its transportation—especially …

Global Systems & Policy
The Climate Crisis and the US War Machine
Warmaking, and the industries that supply and profit from it, fuels the climate crisis. Only a reparative approach can begin to reverse militarization and environmental breakdown. …

Global Systems & Policy
Restoring trust at COP29
The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29) will begin in Baku, Azerbaijan, on November 11, 2024. 197 countries and the EU will meet to “significantly enhance …

Global Systems & Policy
Briefing Note for UN Biodiversity Conference 2024 –Financial resources, debt and tax
The 16th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity kicks off in Cali, Colombia this week. While virtually all nations agree that much …

Global Systems & Policy
Evidence Brief: The World of Public Banks
The world of public banks is experiencing a renaissance. Public banks helped to stabilize economies in the wake of the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Public banks …

Global Systems & Policy
Evidence Brief: Public Banks 101
Public banks of one type or another exist practically everywhere on earth. There too is nothing new about public banks. However, since the 2008-09 global financial …

Global Systems & Policy
Seize the Future
The polycrisis is wreaking economic insecurity, mass death and genocide, climate disasters, and other kinds of instability on working people worldwide. Progressives must put forward policies …

Global Systems & Policy
Development, Debt, and Disaster Risk in ‘Nature’s Casino’
As climate-related disasters become more frequent and severe, countries in the Global South continue to bear the biggest costs of the crisis. In the most vulnerable …

Global Systems & Policy