Mario Reinaldo Machado

Dartmouth College
Mario Reinaldo Machado

Mario Reinaldo Machado completed his PhD in Geography at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts in 2021. He currently works as lecturer and researcher in the Department of Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. His research examines the social, economic, and ecological dimensions of landscape and livelihoods transitions in contexts of agrarian change. Regionally, his work focuses on Latin America and the Caribbean, particularly Cuba, as well as sub-Saharan Africa and the US Northeast. In addition to his academic efforts, Mario is an avid homesteader as well as a writer of fiction and non-fiction. His non-fiction work has appeared in Guernica, National Geographic, and Orion Magazine, among others. In fiction, he is in the process of publishing his first novel, a pierce of dystopian eco sci fi which explores how climate change alters our collective experiences of space and time.